Tiny Tattoos So Rad You’ll Be Dying To Drop Big Money On Them

What are some cool, small tattoos for girls?

Tiny tattoos are arguably the biggest thing to hit the tattooing industry in the last several years. The trend probably results from a world where everyone suffers from a crushing fear of commitment. So itty bitty tats are an easy way to tell said world just how rebellious you are without a lifelong attachment to a full Japanese bodysuit. Small tattoos are cute, sweet and generally hard to spot from a distance. (BUt isn’t that the ultimate appeal anyway?). While we can’t stop you from getting in on the small tattoos  trend – and why would we want to? – we can give you a few options. So check out these ideas for small tattoos for girls that not every Orange County soccer mom already has pinned to her idea board. 

Inner Arm Rose

tiny tattoos
IMAGE BY: Instagram/kevinking.nyc

If you’re not willing to commit to a full sleeve (you wuss), this tiny rose just above the elbow is a good alternative. It’s solid, which means you won’t have to worry about the line work disappearing over the following 365 days. Because the last thing you want to do is spend an artist’s minimum on something that won’t make it to your next birthday.

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