Employees Reveal The Dumb Customer Complaints They’ve Heard

As any successful business will attest to, good customer service goes a long way. Most businesses want to offer the best experience, no matter what industry they’re in. A happy customer is someone who’ll not only return, but tell others about their positive experience. There’s a reason for the popular saying, “The customer is always right.” Unfortunately, nobody’s perfect. Things will go wrong, no matter how well-trained the employee is or how foolproof the company’s policies and procedures seem. Whether it’s an employee error or just a simple misunderstanding, customer complaints can happen at any time.

Most of the time their complaints can be handled reasonably by a competent and understanding employee or manager. Sometimes it may take a call to administrators higher up in the corporate chain, but ultimately customers can expect some kind of resolution to their problem. However, there are a few customer complaints from Reddit users that even we can’t figure out. Read on for some of the dumbest customer complaints ever.

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