Lawyers Share Their Amazing “I Rest My Case!” Story

Being a lawyer is not easy. From dealing with frustrating clients to trying to stay sharp during long and difficult trials, lawyers face plenty of stress on a daily basis. On a good day, they may think they have a victory in the bag, but a crushing loss is always a possibility. The best cases are the ones that seem to practically resolve themselves. Whether a simple end to a trial is orchestrated by a crummy witness, a terrible defendant or an awful lawyer, some “I rest my case!” conclusions are just too perfectly wrapped up.

In some scenarios, clients talk themselves into their own graves, or witnesses manage to discredit themselves with a few words. Lying, dirty, and inexperienced lawyers can sink a case into the ground as well. However, there are times when these scenarios are taken to the extreme, and those trying to defend themselves end up completely incriminating themselves in the process. These hysterical and facepalm-worthy tales will have you wondering just how far human stupidity can go. Would you be able to keep it together if you witnessed one of these hilarious legal screw-ups?

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