Author name: Sarah Knieser


Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

People who work in customer service know that most of the time, your biggest problem during your shift is your


Outrageous and Traumatic Medical Stories as Told By the People Who Lived Them

Going to the hospital can be a memorable moment for anyone, but it’s rare that a doctor has a patient


Incredible Stories of Bad Neighbors Who Finally Got What Was Coming to Them

Good fences make good neighbors and keep bad neighbors away from your property line. But some neighbors are so bad


Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

Sometimes strangers aren’t always strange. Whether it’s the person sitting next to you on a flight, or someone who strikes


Real Life Bad Therapy Sessions That Were Very Memorable

It can be hard to find the right therapist for you. Like anyone else in your life, you want to


Weddings That Made Couples Say “I Don’t” Instead of “I Do”

Weddings are usually the happiest day of the bride and groom’s lives, but sometimes, the big day ends up being

Dating, Fail, Life, Relationships

“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

Splitting ways with your significant other is hard enough when you’re both on the same page, but when one of


Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

Death is always a difficult experience for the people going through it and those who have to witness others leaving

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