Average People Who Ran Into Huge Celebrities Doing Normal Things

Grandma Met Denzel Washington

Reddit / u/metalgamer

Reddit user u/metalgamer‘s grandmother had been working at the Mount Vernon, New York Public Library for half a century, and she never in her wildest dreams imagined that she would run into actor Denzel Washington.

“So story time; my grandma was a librarian in Mt. Vernon, NY Public Library for 50 years. Denzel grew up there. If you’ve ever met her, she will tell you the story of how she gave Denzel Washington his first library card. And that he was the cutest thing and how wonderful he was. I have heard this story easily 300+ times in my life. :)”

“Fast forward to a month ago and it was her 99th Birthday. The women at her nursing home wanted to do something special so they tried to contact Denzel and get him to come or call, and he ended up calling and talking to her on her birthday. On the call, he said he would be in our city in December and would stop by and voila here he is!”

“He was so nice and caring. Laughing with her and holding her hand like he was old friends with her. He teared up a few times seeing the love and respect she showed for him. She knits a scarf a day and gave him three for him, his wife, and his mother. My mom and I were there with him and my grandma and it was such a cool experience. He kept saying with his publicist ‘this is what it’s all about.'”

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