She Met “Game of Thrones” Star Peter Dinklage

Reddit user u/jaycinators had no idea she was going to run into two actors while playing soccer. Unfortunately for Adam Sandler, she was only interested in “Game of Thrones” star Peter Dinklage.
“Met the nicest guy while playing soccer in Toronto. I was a little too excited I think. I was playing a game of soccer and Dinklage and Adam Sandler were walking by with some kids. Sandler was heckling and making funny comments about the game. In response to those who think it’s silly to get pictures taken with celebrities, I think to each his own. I admire Mr. Dinklage and I personally think he is a superb actor and I love his character on Game of Thrones. I had a chance to express my appreciation for his work which I think he appreciated in return. I didn’t ask for a picture with Adam Sandler because it’s Mr. Dinklage that I was so excited to meet. I’m a girl btw… Soccer attire and excited face…guess I need more makeup when I play!”