Restaurant Servers Share Which Celebrities Are The Best And Worst Tippers

Matt Dillon

Wikimedia Commons

“Matt Dillon was in town filming a movie. He came to our restaurant, but we had already been closed 15 minutes. I was the manager, so I let him in, made his food so the kitchen staff didn’t have to stop their end-of-the-day duties, and comped his food. I explained I had already closed out the registers. The young woman working the front and I got to chat with him while we went about our closing duties. He finished his food, thanked us repeatedly, and then left. When she went to clean his table, he left her $150!

If I had gone ahead and charged him, his food and drink would have been about $20, and a good tip would’ve been $4-5. This was the early ‘90s, so it was pre-internet, pre-social media. So, he did that out of the goodness of his heart. He got no PR out of it. Really great, humble guy.”

— Buzzfeed / atticcrazy

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