We Bet You Never Noticed These Dirty Jokes Hidden in Kids’ Movies

Promises You Won’t Keep in “Beauty and the Beast”


In the 1991 movie, “Beauty and the Beast,” the Beast is struggling to understand his feelings for Belle. He wants to do something nice for her, so he asks Cogsworth to share some ideas. Clever old Cogsworth replies, “Well, there’s the usual things. Flowers, chocolates, promises you don’t intend to keep.” That one hits a little close to home, doesn’t it?

“Ratatouille” and the Tiny Secret

Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios

In “Ratatouille,” when Alfredo’s explaining to Colette that a rat is doing all the cooking, he puts his thumb and forefinger together and says “I have a small…uh…” To which Collette backs up and looks kind of taken aback because she assumes he’s talking about his manhood.

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