Employees Reveal The Dumb Customer Complaints They’ve Heard

#28 I’m Pretty Sure This Defies The Laws Of Math


I worked at Burger King in high school. I will never forget this. I was on drive-thru one night, and this lady orders a “large vanilla shake, in a medium cup.” I ask if she meant a “medium shake, in a large cup,” seeing as how I cannot put more liquid in a container than it will hold. She gets INFURIATED and drives up to the window. Screaming at me for not listening to her. In a loud, slow tone, like she’s talking to a deaf person, “IIII. WWWAAANNNTTT. AAAAA. LLLLLAAAARRRRGGGGEEEE. VVVVAAAANNNNIIIIILLLLLAAAAAA. SSSSSHHHHHAAAAAKKKKEEEE. IIIINNNN. AAAAA. MMMMEEEDDDDIIIUUUMMM. CCCCUUUUPPPPPP.” I almost got fired that night.

Credit: kadno

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