#35 Employees Are Always Wrong

We had a sale on organic cabbage for 85 cent a pound, and a week later a woman came in claiming we had our cabbage on sale for 25 cents a pound but she had been charged 85 cents a pound. I told her it had been on sale for 85 cents a pound but I would call the produce department to find out for sure, and sure enough, it had been on sale for 85 cents a pound, and now it was about $1.79 a pound.
She wouldn’t have it.
She threw the biggest fit ever! “Even if I’m wrong, you should give me a dollar back! The customer is always right!” And I’m just like, what? My assistant manager overhears her yelling (since the entire store could hear her yelling) and decides to appease her by giving her a dollar and a $10 gift card for her troubles. The assistant manager later tells me that no one should have a bad day over a dollar.
You know, unless you’re employed by the store.
Credit: brianneoftarth