Employees Reveal The Dumb Customer Complaints They’ve Heard

#38 STILL Not Hot Enough?

I was a cook at a restaurant. I’m just working at my station like every other night and this ticket comes up. Pasta, steak, well-done, club sandwich; nothing out of the ordinary. Then the server comes up, “Hey, the guy at table X wants his steak extra well done.” Alright, sure. Throw the steak on, check the temp and the squishiness. Everything seems in order. Order up! Five minutes later, the steak comes back. “Hey, he says it’s not well done enough.” Take a look at the steak where he cut into it. It’s brown all the way through.

I shrug it off, five more minutes on the grill. Cut it open on another part of the steak, ensuring that it is brown all the way through and all flavor has escaped this ruined piece of meat. Order up! Comes back right away, “He still says it’s not well done enough”. Alright, bro. In to the deep fryer it goes. Ten minutes in the deep fryer. Pat it down with some paper towel. Order up! The server comes back, “Hey, he said it was the best steak he ever had.”

Credit: TheRev15

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