The Untold History of “Seinfeld”

Seinfeld’s Fascination with #9

Sony Pictures Television

The show “Seinfeld” ended after nine seasons but not because they were losing any steam with audiences — it was still quite the hit show until the very end. The show ended with nine seasons because of Seinfeld’s fascination with the number; it’s his number. He was born in ’54 (5+4=9), graduated from high school in ’72 (7+2=9), first appeared on The Tonight Show in ’81 (8+1=9), and Seinfeld premiered in 1989 (1+9+8+9=27; 2+7=9). The show came on at 9 PM and ended in the year 1998, which, again, equals 27, and yes, 2 plus 7 equals 9.

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