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The Funniest Yard Signs Ever Written

The Funniest Yard Signs Ever Written July 17, 2020Leave a comment

The easiest way to let your neighbors know exactly what you’re thinking is to put those thoughts on your front lawn for everyone to see, and possibly, laugh at.

Whether you’re having a last-minute garage sale and everything must go, or you had a sudden epiphany about garden gnomes, your neighbors will know about it as soon as they walk out to get their morning paper.

A Unique Political Stance


Whether this is some biting commentary on the state’s current legislature or part of an urge to bring “The Walking Dead” to life, the funniest part of the sign is the fact that the zombies will be re-elected.

Over the Hillville


These signs are either hilarious birthday party decorations or an easy way to let your neighbors know that you will not be shoveling the snow off the sidewalk this winter.

“Don’t Step on the Grass” Gets Creative


Classic ‘don’t step on the grass’ signs don’t instill any emotions in the people who read them. But, by suggesting that you’ll awake the tiny grass from their peaceful slumber, surely people will stay off.

Consider Him Cute and Dangerous


He’s not the superhero that the city needed, but he was the one that they deserved. The best part of the sign is the fact that the owner doesn’t care about their pet’s whereabouts, saying, “he will come home eventually.”

Genius Marketing Technique


This sign is a great lesson in typography. The words “free beer” really stand out against the black background of the sign and the sign does a great job leading your eye down the street to where it’s at.

My Army is Ready


If you call the police on your neighbor for their yard flamingos, be prepared for the flamingos to fight back. They are pretty threatening creatures in the wild, so anyone with some of these classic ornaments might be, too.

Your City Needs You


Always listen to Batman, he just wants the best for the citizens of Gotham. And anyone who would make this sign to advertise their yard sale probably has some pretty cool stuff.

We’re All Out


Due to toilet paper shortages in some stores across America, people have gotten creative about how they acquire the essential product. This sign is a fun way to make sure you won’t run out anytime soon.

Absolutely Not Haunted


There’s only one person you can trust about ghosts and that’s a realtor. They’ll be quick to explain any mysterious creaking you hear as ‘just the antique floorboards’ and any apparitions you might see as ‘a unique midday light show.’

Last Minute Sale


The best way to get over a breakup is to get everything out of your sight that reminds you of the other person. And, selling off those things for cold hard cash will help you get over them too!

What a Monument


If you don’t have anything to celebrate about your property, that doesn’t mean that you can’t erect a sign to celebrate that fact! In fact, something noteworthy probably happened just about everywhere, you just need to find out what.

Come and See!


Most of the things that reasonable people sell at garage sales are perfectly fine, except for a bit of use. You might find the same things in a department store anyways, especially if you’re in the market for a tacky lamp from the ‘80s.

Threatening Signage 


That’s one way to make sure that you don’t have to clean up your neighbor’s dog’s mess. But, I certainly hope that their grandson has knowledge of this sign, otherwise that’s going to be an odd conversation.

Making an Easy Buck


It’s amazing how quickly a breakup can turn some perfectly useful items into a pile of garbage that needs to leave the house immediately. Thankfully there are yard sales where you can buy someone’s ex’s things at a huge discount.

Make Your Own Pool Rules


If you’re lucky enough to have a pool at your house, you can kind of make your own rules for the water. Like, every swimmer must have a drink in hand, or no swimming without polka music playing.

A Family Divided


If one member of the household gets to display their political beliefs on the lawn, everyone else in the house should too. Especially to let the neighbors know that there might be some bickering coming from this household soon.

Smokers Will be Drenched


One way to quit your bad habit is to be doused with water every time you light up a cigarette. So, stop by this house if you need some inspiration quitting.

The World’s Most Interesting Yard Sale


Once again, if someone is going to the trouble to make an entertaining sign for their yard sale, you might want to check out what they’re selling because it could be something pretty unique.

Easy-to-Install Home Security Device


If you want to make sure that you won’t get any burglars while you’re out of the house, a dose of fear works very well to keep people away. This sign and a beware of the dog sign should do the trick!

We’re Doomed


People on all sides of the political spectrum can agree that there are negative aspects of the entire system. Hopefully there’s some 2020 signs in production right now.

Don’t Bother to Knock


Unless you’re a Girl Scout, apparently. But obviously the people living here are out of their minds because Samoas are the greatest Girl Scout cookies without question.

This Cat Lives Here


If you leave cigarette butts on this lawn, you’ll be contributing to the bad habit of this poor feline. The best way to get people to stop smoking is still guilt.

It’s Too Late For Me! Save Yourselves!


The best way to achieve your fitness goals is surely to be scared into doing so. And a free piece of expensive exercise machinery isn’t a bad bit of inspiration, either.

Spreading the News


Breaking bad news to your friends can be hard, especially if it’s about your personal life. But, there’s no reason why the woman who works at the banner printing store, or the handyman who put up the sign, or the entire internet shouldn’t know!

Quiet Neighbors is a Bit Eerie


This house is located across the street from a cemetery, so the neighbors are exceptionally quiet! But, they’re also not very helpful if you’re looking to borrow a rake or a cup of sugar.