Game of Thrones Theories That Will Most Likely Happen

Jaime and Cersei are Targaryns and Tyrion is the last Lannister


What do we know about Targaryns? They are all blonde, they’re into incest and have a decent change at being absolutely mad. Now who else in Game of Thrones matches that description? If you answered Jaime and Cersei, you’re not wrong. This theory states that Jaime and Cersei are in fact the children of the Mad King and Joanna Lannister. There is a rumor that King Aerys frequently slept with or raped Joanna Lannister. Some believe this is evidence in the Tyrion actually a Targaryn theory which we talk about later. But if the Mad King was making visits to Joanna’s bed, he could very well be the twins’ father. Cersei does certainly remind us of the Mad King with all of the burning people with wildfire. This would also make Tywin’s hatred of Tyrion make more sense. Tywin’s only true born son not only caused his wife to die during childbirth but also is a dwarf and Tyrion put it “dwarfs are bastards in their father’s eyes.”

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