Game of Thrones Theories That Will Most Likely Happen

Bran was the Three-Eyed Raven the whole time


So with all this time-travel talk, some theorize that Bran was and always is the Three-Eyed Raven. Think about it, we never see the Three-Eyed Raven walk unless he is in a vision where young Bran is also walking. The Three-Eyed Raven has intimate knowledge of Bran and also seems to know his death is coming in season 6 at the hands of the Night King and doesn’t seem too upset its about to happen. Maybe he knows its destined to happen and must for young Bran to become the official Three-Eyed Raven and become old Bran to start the cycle over again to teach young Bran to be the Three-Eyed Raven…. WHAT? Time is a flat circle, right? Ugh, headache!!!

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