Get The Tissues: These Are The Most Tearjerking Character Deaths In TV History

When Literally Everyone Died On "Six Feet Under"


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“Six Feet Under” at its core deals with the inevitability of death, and all the healthy and unhealthy ways we deal with it. Yet despite the show’s message, writ large, that “everything, everyone, everywhere, ends” it still comes as a bittersweet shock when, at the end of the series finale, every main character dies. Not en masse, but via a series of flash-forwards to their individual, future deaths. Some die tragically, some die surrounded by loved ones. Some die ironically, and others sweetly. We watch them go, one by one, and we feel waves of conflicting and complementing emotions. It’s all so sudden, and kind of baffling, sad and beautiful in equal measure. Just like life. And death.

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