Get The Tissues: These Are The Most Tearjerking Character Deaths In TV History

When Lane Died On "Mad Men"


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Somewhat timid and fussy, yet kind and lovable, Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce’s CFO Lane Pryce brought a welcome and distinctly British quality to “Mad Men.” In dire financial straits during the fifth season, Lane forges Don Draper’s signature to embezzle funds from SCDP. And when Don catches him, he “allows” Lane to resign rather than be fired in disgrace. Don believes he is being merciful, but Lane can’t manage the thought of returning home to his country and his family unemployed, broke and humiliated. “What will I tell my wife? What will I tell my son?” Lane weeps, but Don is unmoved. Lane, feeling broken and out of options, hangs himself in his office, leaving only a boilerplate resignation letter as a suicide note. Don is the only one who understands its significance.

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