Behind the Scenes Facts That You Didn’t Know About “Will & Grace”

Messing’s Opinions Made Fans Feel Polarized

Warner Bros. Television Distribution

Mullally isn’t the only target when it comes to Messing’s alleged “bullying.” The actress ignited a feud with Susan Sarandon on Twitter regarding the 2016 Presidential race. A proud Bernie Sanders supporter, Sarandon caused controversy when she implied on MSNBC that having Trump as president would be preferable to Hillary Clinton.

Angered by the remark, Clinton supporter Messing accused the actress of being ignorant about her privilege. And in 2018, the fight was reignited when Messing dragged Sarandon on Twitter for making a statement on Variety that Trump’s discriminatory polices have fueled more women and people of color to run for office. Messing proceeded to outline Trump’s polices in a massive thread before calling Sarandon a “self-righteous narcissist.”

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