Marvel and DC Comics Have Totally Ripped Each Other Off… A Lot!

Ultron vs Braniac


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Brainiac debuted in 1958 and has primarily been one of Superman’s most formidable antagonists. He is depicted as an alien android with a ’12th-level intellect’ with enhanced memory and advanced understanding of mechanical engineering, bio-engineering, physics and extensive knowledge of applied and theoretical sciences. Brainiac also has extensive knowledge of various alien technology. Brainiac possesses superhuman strength and durability, flight, and is able to discharge energy blasts from his hands. Brainiac is also a technopath.

Ultron debuted in Marvel’s Avengers #54 in 1968 as the ‘Crimson Cowl’ only to be identified as Ultron-5, The Living Automaton one issue later. A creation of Hank Pym, the robot’s artificial intelligence developed to a genius-level and Ultron rebelled against his creator even developing a hatred for Pym. Through various upgrades to his body, Ultron possesses superhuman strength, speed and durability, as well as flight and energy blasts.

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