Dr. Fate vs Dr. Strange

Dr. Fate debuted in 1940 and has been a mantle many have taken up over the years. Dr. Fate is the name of whoever the god, Nabu, possesses via a golden helmet and amulet. Dr. Fate is a master of magic and spell casting, Fate also has the ability to fly and possesses super strength, invulnerability, telekinesis, telepathy, pyrokinesis and lighting manipulation. Fate’s magic is often manifested in hieroglyphs such as an ankh. Dr. Fate has been referred to as the Sorcerer Supreme and resides in the Tower of Fate.
Marvel has its own Sorcerer Supreme, a title once held by the Ancient One, but more famously help by Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange debuted in 1963 and is also a master of magic and sorcery. His power is enhanced with relics such as the Cloak of Levitation that allows Strange to fly as well as the Eye of Agamotto, the Book of Vishanti and the Orb of Agamotto. Strange is also an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant and is able to adeptly wield melee weapons like swords and axes. Strange has his own magical residence as well, the Sanctum Sanctorum.