Marvel and DC Comics Have Totally Ripped Each Other Off… A Lot!

The Flash vs Quicksilver


In 1940, DC introduced the Scarlett Speedster, The Flash. Over the years, The Flash has been a mantle that has been taken up by numerous people, all with similar powers derived from the Speed Force. The Flash can move, think and react at light speed. He has superhuman endurance to maintain his speed. The Flash also possesses a healing factor and can vibrate his body so fast, he can phase through solid matter. The Flash has even been known to run so fast he tears open the time-space continuum and time travel.

Marvel has their own speedster known as Quicksilver, who debuted in 1964. The son of Magneto, Pietro Maximoff, is a mutant with typical speedster powers. Quicksilver has the power to move, speak, and think at supersonic speeds. He has enhanced stamina and durability. He can also vibrate his body fast enough to phase through solid objects. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

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