Marvel and DC Comics Have Totally Ripped Each Other Off… A Lot!

Red Tornado vs Vision


Vision originally debuted in 1940, but his character was re-introduced in his more-familiar android form in 1968. The second iteration of Vision was written as a creation of Ultron and was intended to be an enemy of the Avengers but later became a member of the Avengers. Visions abilities include superhuman intelligent, speed, agility and strength. Vision has the ability to alter his density from ghost-like to extremely dense, flight, solar energy projections, and technopathy.

Red Tornado is DC’s android staple of the Justice League. Debuting in 1968, a few months before Vision was debuted as an android, has had his origins ret-conned a few times but the origin that most closely mirrors Vision’s is when Dr. Morrow creates Red Tornado to infiltrate the JLA only to later join the League. Red Tornado is highly durable and possesses excessive strength and is cable of flight and producing tornado-force winds and is also a technopath.

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