What are the most violent video games of all time?
Ah, video games. Does any other medium kickstart as much moral panic as these interactive distractions? While disbarred attorney Jack Thompson may have his own thoughts, we find the depiction of violence in video games to be fascinating. So in an age where we can Google horrific images on our phones, how do video games still find the power to shock? I’ve gathered the most violent video games ever programmed, to try to understand. And to satisfy you bloodthirsty weirdos. But fair warning: Mature content, and some light spoilers, run rampant ahead. Player discretion is advised.Hotline Miami

In a gaming era of higher-than-high-def graphics, how can a top-down shooter with deliberately retro 8-bit aesthetics be considered one of the most violent games ever? Maybe the woozy disorientation at the center of Hotline Miami, which ranges from the pounding soundtrack to the unreliable narrator, adds to the effect of violence. Or maybe your enemies just splatter a ton of red. Either way, this ain’t Will Smith’s Miami.