The 20 Creepiest Movies About Artificial Intelligence

Bicentennial Man

Movies about artificial intelligence

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In what is definitely his best robot who wants to be human role, Robin Williams plays Andrew, a housekeeping robot who develops the ability to feel emotions. Lucky for Andrew, his beneficent slave master, I mean, owner, decides that treating the (robot) help like a person is the right thing to do and he encourages Andrew to explore his creative human-y side. Eventually Andrew asks for his freedom which his owner begrudgingly gives by banishing him. Call me crazy but the freedom to spend decades in solitude, away from everyone you’ve ever loved is probably not what Andrew actually had in mind. Eventually time passes on, Andrew pairs up with an engineer who makes him all human looking, he falls in love with the great grand daughter of his former owner, and he petitions the government to be recognized as human. What. A. Journey.

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