People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#15 The Disappearing Dam

I used to work at a juvenile detention center in a small town. I worked nights, and on this night I went in at 9 PM.

When I got to work, my supervisor asked me what I was doing there. I said, “I work tonight.”. And he said, “But they said you called in sick a few hours ago.” I was a bit confused and said, “It must have been someone else and they got the message wrong.”

Then things got weirder.

When I relieved the guard on duty and settled in for the night, I looked at the message that said I called in. It said that I had called at 6:50 and said that I had gotten sick while out cleaning up after the storm. There had been a storm the night before and it was a bit bad, but not anything that I had to go out to clean up. It was truly weird.

The supervisor came into the control about that time. He was also a friend of mine outside work and we started talking about it, and how odd it was. I decided to call my wife at home and tell her about it while he was still sitting there. I picked up the phone and dialed.

After two rings a man picked up the phone and with a raspy voice said “Hello?”

I did not know what to say for a few seconds. I looked at the phone to make sure I dialed the right number, and I had. After a few seconds, the person said “Hello?” again in the same raspy voice.

I said “Hello. who is this?”

“This is Taylor who is this?” the person said.

My head started spinning because my name is Taylor also.

I said in almost a scream “Where is Ann?”

He said “Ann’s in bed. Who is this?”

I dropped the phone and told my supervisor to ring me out, I had to get home, and I took off towards the door. I could hear Dave pick up the phone behind me and say, “Hello?” followed soon after by “What the hell!” rather loudly.

I ran to my car and drove home faster then what was legal, my mind racing the entire time.

I busted through the door and my wife was sitting watching t.v. and was shocked at me being home. I asked her who was there and she said no one has been here. After a rather long talk with my wife, I went to call the prison to tell them what was going on, but the phone was dead.

I went back to work and when I came in Dave was acting weird and asked me “How the heck are you doing this?”. He told me that when I left, he picked up the phone and the person on the other end sounded like me. He kinda freaked out and hung up the phone.

A minute later as he could see my car leaving the parking lot, I had called back from home and asked what was going on. He said that I was a bit irate and said I was sick and did not feel like playing these games and was telling him to stop prank calling me and hung up.

After convincing him I had no idea what was going on we went back to work.

Later, I find out that the phone line for my area had been knocked down the night before by the storm. This is absolutely the strangest thing that has ever happened to me.

Credit: Deleted

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