People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#14 Mute


My wife and I bought new phones. They came with earbuds. This is not the weird part.

I hate grocery shopping but my wife asked me to pick up things from two different stores. I brought the ear buds with me so I could listen to a podcast while I was there. Time to check out so everything went in my pocket. Fast forward ten minutes and I’m at the next grocery store. Pull my phone and ear buds out of my pocket. The rubber piece for the left ear is gone. Search my pockets and tear the car apart. Nothing. I lost it at the first grocery store. This is also not the weird part.

Two weeks later my wife is watching videos on her phone. Her left ear bud won’t stay in. Well, what do you know? There are now two of those rubber things on her left ear bud. Cool! Now I can use mine again! That was the kinda weird part.

A month goes by and the left rubber thing for my ear bud is gone. I blame the kids. They say they never touched it. Kids always lose everything. Then another month goes by. My wife came home from work. She took her shoes off and sat on the couch. We talked about our days and a half hour later decided to head out. She put her shoes back on. She said there was something in her shoe. It was that damn thing again. I’d love to know what was going on with that.

Credit: GeechieSmyche

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