People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#13 Glitching Your Life Away

Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts

As I type this I am already feeling deja vu. I’ve always wanted to share this part of my life with someone but have never been able to. So… I’ll just tell a bunch of people on the internet.

One day I was walking to work and all of a sudden had an urge to walk a different path than usual. I work downtown in a big city. It was a strange spur of the moment urge to walk a different way that changed my life forever.

I turned into an alley I had never seen before. As I remember it, I made it about 15 feet or so when an actual “glitch” happened. Everything in my mind scrambled. I felt like I didn’t have a body anymore, just that I was a semi-conscious entity floating through some weird dimension.

All of a sudden in the array of different colors and shapes a vision came to me. It was a bunch of strange looking people that in my mind resembled businessmen in suits. They looked startled and panicked that I could see them. One of the “people” made a quick movement and everything turned to black.

When I regained normality, I was on a completely different street. It was the same street that I always use to walk to work. I felt sick and severely disturbed/depressed.

I’ve never done any hard drugs, never experienced any hallucinations, never have had anything like this happen to me. The weird thing is when the glitch was correcting itself and I could see those “people” watching me like a caged animal I had the feeling that I knew I was being controlled. It still bothers me very much to this day.

Credit: A_lot_of_italics

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