People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#11 Physics Bends To Save A Life

Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts
YouTube / Factinate

I got in a motorcycle accident about six years ago. I’m going 45 through town and a woman, who didn’t see me, turns left in front me. It could only have been a millisecond but I remember weighing my options and thinking if I should try and go over the car or under it by laying the bike down. I put the bike down.

It went straight under her car, I went diagonally. I Slid across the pavement wearing no helmet, no jacket—just jeans and a cheap zip up hoodie from Walmart.

So I slide for 80 feet or so—not sure on the exact measurement but it was a long way—on the pavement and when I stop, I just stood up and the only thing wrong was that there was a hole in my hoodie cuff about the size of a dime. Not a scratch anywhere on me.

I remember looking at it, then at my mangled bike, and just screaming in my head “PHYSICS DON’T WORK THIS WAY”

Credit: ShepherdofHermas

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