People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#8 Get Away From The Car

I was heading home with my dad, we stopped at a drive through. I start feeling more and more anxious for no reason, to the point where it makes me lightheaded and sick to my stomach. We have to wait a little bit ahead because they gave us the order wrong. So I sit there, feeling like crap, and it suddenly comes to me an urge to call my brother.

He was trying to call us, he was in a car accident. No one died, some got seriously bruised, he was only shaken. I told him to shut up and get as far away from the car as possible.

He didn’t understand but followed through, trying to call some of his buddies, and I could hear them calling him a wuss, him giving up and getting far and then a loud noise, people shouting.

After the whole thing was over he told me what happened. His drunk friend tried to impress some girls in the car, hit the gas, drifted and hit the bottom of the car on some rocks, completely messing with the engine. They stood near the car, the driver still inside trying to turn the engine back on.

The hood burst in flames and the car started to burn fast, the driver managed to get away but got severely hurt. Some of the guys and girls who stood around were hurt and burned too, but not as bad as the driver. My brother was the only one with light bruises from the whole thing. He told me that when I ordered him to get away from the car he was in front of it, inches from the hood.

I never experienced anything like this before and after, just this once. It’s just a weird memory, I don’t remember what I was thinking, I remember it like watching a movie and seeing myself and everything from an outside angle.

Credit: donpapillon

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