People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#7 The Dream Wasn’t So Stupid After All

Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts

I’ve always had those deja vu dreams, the ones that a lot of you have already been talking about, where the events in your dream happen in real life, days or years later… Because of these dreams, knowing what would happen next played a role in saving my life, I suppose.

My dream was simple: I was driving down from the mountains back home with friends in the car after (what I vaguely remember) was a snowboard skiing trip. The conversation was, I suppose, the usual for a long car ride, playing “I spy” and just stupid stuff.

Then, the song “All Star” by Smash Mouth came on. I remembered it because everyone started singing along. We were speeding down the mountain and after signaling into the passing lane, all of a sudden, a huge car wreck happens right in front of us, happening so fast that cars were smashing into each other. One of the cars rolled right off the mountain, over the divider.

I was too close to avoid it and so I pulled to the right, which caused the car behind us to plow into the side of us, rolling our car to the opposite side of the road. I remember just a fuzzy feeling, being upside down, and glancing around the car and just seeing my friends mutilated. It sends shivers down my spine to even think about it. I woke up in tears, I was just so frightened and scared… it was so surreal.

This is where the glitch begins, Years after the night I had that dream, my friends and I decided to get together to plan a small trip to have a ski and snowboard day for the first snowfall. We knew a storm was coming so we headed up the mountain. Good runs, fresh snow, it was overall a great success, we had gotten exactly what we had come for. We packed our things, headed down the mountain, and it clicked, the same stupid car banter, “I spy,” and then Smash Mouth “All Star” came on… it had happened, I was in my nightmare.

The wreck happened just as I remembered, but I didn’t pull right like I did in my dream, I pulled to the left, into the opposite lane, and somehow just avoided it. Everything slowed down, it was like I was in my own world, and everything happened the same, except for my actions.

We pulled to the side of the road and called 911, I broke down, it was too much… I was scared and shaking, but somehow that stupid dream saved my life.

Credit: FriskyChicken

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