People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#5 Where Did My Time Go?

Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts

Ten years ago I was returning home from a road trip with two friends. I received a phone call from my parents asking when we would be arriving, and I explained that we were about 25 minutes away.

About a minute later we came around a bend; it was a full moon and we could see the reflection from a lake below us and other than that the road was completely empty. Suddenly everything went completely dark in the car, no lights from the dash or gauges or headlights on the road.

The music also stopped and re-started at the beginning of the CD we were listening to.

There was now a vehicle pulled over by the police about 1/4 mile in front of us that hadn’t been there a split second before. I assumed I had dozed off for just a second as it was late. I thought it was still quite peculiar, though. After about a minute, the driver of the car turned the music all the way down and said: “did that just happen to anyone else?”

The other passenger in the back seat sat forward abruptly and exclaimed: “I thought I just fell asleep…”. We then realized that the clock in the car was reading an hour later than it just had a minute before.

To keep ourselves from freaking out we decided that the car had possibly had a momentary electrical failure and reset the clock to an odd time, turned off the dash lights, headlights, and gauges, and restarted the CD player. But when we arrived home 25 minutes later, we were one hour late.

I am missing an hour of my life, and to this day have no idea how it happened.

Credit: Musicalmoses

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