People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#3 Dreamin’ Or Dealin’

Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts
Amazon / Fantasy Interpretations

When I was a teenager I had two really intense dreams one night. The first one was about an online friend of mine calling me to say she’d broken up with her boyfriend, and I sang a few lines of Seal’s “Don’t Cry” to her over the phone. The second dream was finding a (real-life) friend’s dead body floating in her bathtub.

I didn’t think anything of it up until I went on my computer that evening and the online friend chatted me to tell me her boyfriend broke up with her. I immediately asked if I could call her, and she said no. I remember thinking that it meant something like I could change it.

Not long after, my phone rang, and it was the real-life friend from the dream calling me. I was completely freaked at this point, but talked to her normally… she was just talking about school and stuff… up until I realized I heard a splash in the background.

I asked her, “Are you in the tub?” and when she said yes I felt like my heart had stopped. I asked her, “What did you do?”. She didn’t answer me right away, and then after a very long pause, she told me she’d taken an entire bottle of pills and chased it with mushrooms and vodka.

She’d gotten scared waiting for it to hit her… so she called me so she’d hear someone’s voice. I hung up and called 911. By the time they got there, she was unconscious but alive. Today she’s a mom to a beautiful little girl, and she’s ok.

Credit: permalink

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