People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#2 Car Pile Up

Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts

I’m way too late to this party but this is a true story that nobody believes. I was driving northbound on I-5 into Seattle at about 3 am. It was raining very, very hard and I drove under the Convention Center in downtown Seattle, which is like a tunnel.

When I got out from under the center, I saw something that made me slam on my brakes and skid to a stop in the middle of the freeway. There were five cars upside down in the middle of the road.

I thought I had happened upon a horrible accident, but then I realized there was not a single person in sight… the cars were completely empty… no headlights on… no cops…. no fire trucks… no ambulances… no tow trucks… and then I realized what made me hit the gas and get out of there… not a single dent on any of the vehicles.

They were just sitting there, upside down in the middle of I-5. It has freaked me out to think about ever since and everyone thinks I’m making it up but that was a glitch if ever there was one. I checked the news for days afterward and couldn’t find a report. Weeeeird.

Credit: Deleted

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