People Share Their Abnormal ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Story

#36 The Day That Didn’t Happen

Universal Pictures

Not long after 9/11, on a Friday, I got up to go to class and had one of those mornings. I broke a glass getting something to drink, tripped over something going to my car, was late to class due to a wreck on the way there (not me thankfully). While at school, we heard about a plane crash. Something about the wings blowing off. I went to work and went home.

The next morning my roommate wakes me asking if I’m skipping class today. After he convinces me it is STILL Friday, I get up and go to class after noticing the glass I broke is not broken. On the way to class, I pass the same wreck in the same spot. All day long, I wait to hear about the plane crash, but it never happens. I end up having a kind of normal day.

The next day they arrest the ‘shoe bomber’ and I have wondered if someone rewound that day to stop him and somehow I didn’t reset with it.

Credit: Biostrike14

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