Search Your Feelings, You Know These ‘Star Wars’ Theories To Be True

Kylo Ren is undercover

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

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Kylo vows to finish what Darth Vader started but what if that is not to destroy the Jedi but rather the Sith and he is trying to do so from the inside! What if Kylo’s fall to the Dark side is just an elaborate ruse to destroy the First Order and Snoke. Kylo would have to do whatever it took to convince Snoke that he is indeed a Sith and that would include having to kill his own father, Han Solo. This could also be why Kylo didn’t kill Finn on Starkiller Base and he didn’t kill Rey even though he should have been a much more accomplished fighter with a lightsaber but he was just trying to protect his cover and complete his mission to finally destroy the Sith.

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