Search Your Feelings, You Know These ‘Star Wars’ Theories To Be True

Jar Jar was a Sith

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

Let’s start with the fact we are pretty sure everyone hates Jar Jar Binks. He is probably the worst thing about the prequels and that is saying something. But this theory might shift the way you look at this universally hated character. Let first look at the physical prowess of Jar Jar. Is he just incredibly lucky or is his dumb-luck actually a facade for his force use. Remember that time he does a standing somersault swan dive on Naboo? Yea that doesn’t seem to be a normal occurrence. At no point do we see any other Gungans perform such an acrobatic feat, in fact the only other people to do such things are all Jedi or Sith. Then during the Battle of Naboo, is it sheer luck that he not only survives the battle but takes out a tank and a slew of droids? Or was Jar Jar actually utilizing the force to survive. He did shoot down more than a few droids with a blaster entangled with his ankle. The next part of this theory looks at Jar Jar’s inexplicable rise in the political arena. How does this idiot not only influence powerful people but then get nominated to the Galactic Senate? He also is seen along side Palpatine throughout the prequels. Why would the Dark Lord of the Sith be spending time with this bumbling idiot unless he was serving a purpose? Let’s also not forget Jar Jar is also always suggesting ideas and ploys to keep himself in the thick of things all while waving his hands and arms around. Could that be a Jedi mind trick? Hmmmm.

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