Strongly Recommended Netflix Shows That Turned Out to Be Horrible

“The Following”


“The Following. My roommate got me to watch it and it is easily the worst show I have ever seen. It is the same [stuff] every episode. For some reason Kevin Bacon is in a stand off in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. They have the classic mash the keyboard to hack, guns firing round after round with no reloading, bad guys narrowly escaping yet they always have time for a monologue, Kevin Bacons backup is always seconds too late and somehow he is always alone even though they are chasing a cult of serial killers. And not to mention that every house has a secret escape route that will get you out of the grasp of the FBI in seconds. The serial killers kill like dozens of people yet they send like 2 cops after them and backup always arrives just a moment too late. The plot is just so wildly unrealistic that it makes this show wildly unrealistic. 2/10 would not recommend” – Reddit / Richards2041

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