Strongly Recommended Netflix Shows That Turned Out to Be Horrible

“Orange is the New Black”


“Orange is the New Black. I understand why people like it, I can respect that, but I just didn’t find it interesting. Also, I only saw the first two episodes, but Jason Biggs was the most sympathetic person in the entire show. I hear that changes, but still.

As long as I’m confessing dislikes, I did not care for Titanic. I think the movie would have been way better if it was the misadventures of the Irish guy and the Italian guy. It really seemed like there was this whole other movie about the two of them getting into hijinks on the Titanic that’s happening behind the scenes, but we only see bits and pieces of it. I’m sure they had goals and dreams. They probably got to know the orchestra playing on the deck. The Captain probably hated them, but secretly they reminded him of his own sons. Maybe they met a couple women who were both very clever and equally rogueish in their own rights. The four of them, with the combination of their skills, smarts, and connections they’d made on the ship, tricked a wealthy yet horribly racist couple out of their priceless gold and jewels (they were probably stolen) AND survived! PLUS they managed to get that door open to save more people, abandoning their loot in the process. They buried the few items of treasure somewhere in Alaska!! And the sequel is their descendants trying to find it, like in Uncharted or Indiana Jones! It could even be the next National Treasure movie, marrying two franchises AND delivering a sequel to the most successful movie in history!!!! Where’s that movie James Cameron? WHERE’S THE BUDDY ACTION/COMEDY WITH SEQUEL POTENTIAL SET ON THE TITANIC???” – Reddit / pipsdontsqueak

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