Strongly Recommended Netflix Shows That Turned Out to Be Horrible



“Arrow. Jesus Christ. I can get why someone who doesn’t know about the characters would like it, but coming from the DC animated stuff and having background knowledge of the character and quality DC usually puts out, I was just disgusted with how it turned out.

Why did Green Arrow become an angsty [dude] who is somehow at Batman’s level? Why is the dialogue so forced and cheesy? Why was the fight between Flash and Arrow so cringey? Seriously, the CGI was so bad and there really shouldn’t be any reason Flash lost to Arrow, even for the excuse they put that “oh Oliver has experience blah blah blah” and they somehow ended up in a “tie”. Not to mention Barry looks like a teenager still in high school and I just could not take his look seriously. I couldn’t watch the Flash’s show because of it and the Supergirl TV show looks even worse after that trailer. It seriously looked like an amateur YouTuber did that trailer.” – Reddit / Visual217

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