Mick Jagger vs. Charlie Watts

As the frontman of a band, some musicians couldn’t help but let their ego get in the way of their relationship with the rest of the group, just like what happened to The Rolling Stones. According to the rest of the group, their frontman, Mick Jagger, gets carried away sometimes, but they didn’t tolerate it for long, particularly Charlie Watts. “[Jagger said] something like: ‘None of this should matter to you because you’re only my drummer,’” wrote Bill German in Beggars Banquet. “[Watts] kept it bottled inside until he got back to his hotel room. He then clicked off his TV, put on his shoes, walked down the hall and knocked on Mick’s door. When the lead singer of the Rolling Stones opened it, his drummer clocked him on the jaw. Charlie then turned round and calmly walked away.”