Ciara vs. Rihanna

Rihanna is known for her spunky attitude, and other artists may find it offensive. This is exactly how Ciara felt when she met Rihanna on a night out in 2011. According to Ciara, “I ran into her recently at a party and she wasn’t the nicest, and it’s crazy because I’ve always loved and respected what she’s done with fashion and I’ve ran into her, you know, before but this time it was really… it wasn’t the most pleasant run-in…” When Rihanna caught wind of what Ciara said, she clapped back at her saying, “My bad ci, did I 4get to tip u? #howrudeofme.” It then turned to a back and forth Twitter battle between the two, but then simmered down a bit eventually. Two years later, Ciara was asked again about the fight in an interview with Wild 94.9 radio where she said, “I don’t know what her problem is. I think she’s nuts right now, like, whatever’s going on, because for me, it doesn’t make any sense.”