What are some obscure superhero movies you may have missed?
These days, you can’t visit any movie theatre without approximately 18 superhero movies playing. Kids and adults alike dress as Wonder Woman and Black Panther. Marvel Studios smashes the box office with elaborate cinematic universes. DC, um, tries their best. But what if you’ve seen all the big budget, multiplex-bound superhero films, and want to dive deeper? What if you want to prove to your nerdy friend Chaz that you’re a true believer? What if you want some obscure superhero movies? Fire up your streaming services faster than a speeding bullet. These are the superhero movies that most folks may have missed.Judge Dredd

Most comic book nerds worth their salt have seen the critically acclaimed 2012 adaptation of the satirically ultraviolent title Judge Dredd. We’d imagine they’d look at the 1995 adaptation, see that it stars the duo of Sylvester Stallone and Rob Schneider, and run away. But they’d be missing a surprisingly entertaining, Verhoeven-with-less-subtlety film that, refreshingly, does not take itself seriously.