The Worst Episodes of the Greatest TV Shows

“The X-Files,” Fight Club

20th Television

To get a sense of how truly bad this episode featuring Kathy Griffin playing twins is, you need only to look to its many, many critics. Zach Handlen called it “dire stuff” and said the script was “lazy and repetitive.” Christina Brzustoski called the episode disjointed and lame. Robert Shearman and Lars Pearson wrote that “‘Fight Club’ is a marker for a series that seems to want to die now, please.” But none of those are as scathing as Tom Kessenich, who wrote, “If it is indeed true that somewhere out in this vast world we all have an identical twin, I have but one wish for mine. I sincerely hope he was spared the hour of torture that ‘Fight Club’ imposed upon me.” Yikes.

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