20 Things People Do That Piss Bartenders Off

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Plead for another drink after closing time.Drunk: Just one more, please mate. I’ll buy you one too…Me: I can’t, I have no till. Our till has been taken away for cashing up.Drunk: Just leave the money by the till then? You can keep the change.Me: I can’t do that, our license is only until 11 and it’s 11.20.Drunk: Pleeeeeease! There’s this girl I’m trying to chat up and I need one more drink to give me courage…Me: I. Can’t. I’ll lose my job.Drunk: But I’ll make it worth your while!! I’ll pay you…This goes on for the whole time I am closing down the bar. I have no till. Go the f**k home.(I’m a part-time bartender in Scotland. Denying people alcohol here is as much of an insult to them as punching their child in the face.) – wagamamalullaby

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