16. Witnessing a Special Moment

“Man calls to say his wife is in labor and they’re driving to the hospital now. I advise them to pull over (way too far from the closest hospital) and let medical personnel meet them.
He’s telling me he sees the head. I’ve barely gotten the medical protocol program going when he says “oh my god! The baby’s out! She’s here! The baby’s here!” I could hear the baby crying in the background. So I switch over to the post-birth protocol and make sure everyone’s good as the fire truck shows up and I get off the phone. […] To be able to hear that new baby cry and know that everyone was okay and happy made it the best call ever.” – Reddit user ohTHATone
It’s moments like these you realize why you’ve chosen to work as a 911 operator. This is how they get repaid: knowing they did their best so that the person who needed help is safe.