14. Kid Has No “Boo-boo”

“I work in EMS billing and occasionally have to read the written narrative of ambulance calls. […]
The ambulance crew responds to a report of a 4-year-old that “hit a car” when chasing after a ball. He seems ok when they arrive, but the parents want the ambulance crew to look him over just to be safe. So they check for internal bleeding, age-appropriate behavior, no broken bones etc. Everything is looking good so they ask him how he feels and he says “I’m ok, but my ball has a boo-boo!”
So they check the ball for internal bleeding, age-appropriate behavior, no broken bones etc. and tell the kid “your ball is OK!” before returning to the ambulance and leaving.” – Reddit user Dubanx
That has to be the sweetest event the ambulance crew had that year! Thankfully, nobody had a boo-boo!