Unforgettable Acts of Stupidity From Real People

Small Town Doctors


When my daughter was born, we had to see the hospital pediatrician who was an older southern man before we could switch to our usual one.

We’re in a tiny exam room and he’s going over the do’s and don’ts for new parents. So, he asks us, “And I assume she will be sleeping in a crib in the nursery?” We respond by saying, “We have a bassinet set up beside the bed to make night feeding easier.”

Then he interjects and says, “She can’t sleep with you!” But we tell him that, “She won’t be in the bed. She has a bassinet beside the bed.” He says to this, “If she sleeps in the same room, there will be too much carbon dioxide and she’ll suffocate.

That’s what causes SIDS.” After a short pause, we say, “…then isn’t this exam room unsafe?” We later put in a complaint with the practice and the hospital.

That’s some ridiculously incorrect information to be spouting off at people, especially parents who take everything a doctor says as gospel. I can’t even find the logic in that.


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