Unforgettable Acts of Stupidity From Real People

Jumping All Over


My wife wanted to meet an old friend from school she hadn’t seen for about 20 years. We went to dinner, and he brought his wife along with her 2 kids.

He had met her just 2 months prior and she worked as a “male entertainer” (her words). He was white, she was black, and he spent the whole night trying to start fights with people for “making racist comments about their relationship behind their back,” even though no one was.

When we finally got into talking, he told me about 9 “jump points” that exist to get off the Earth. I thought to myself “oh boy, a Flat Earther.

I’ve never met a real one before.” But no, that’s not what he was talking about. That would have been so much better than what he was talking about.

He said there are 9 jump points on Earth that are essentially wormholes to other planets, and that there is one in New York City that goes to Mars.

He also informed me that the American government has already colonized Mars and is hiding it from the people. And he was dead serious.


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