Unforgettable Acts of Stupidity From Real People

Lather, Rinse, Repeat


I once had my ex’s parents coming over and needed some help cleaning the house up to get ready for their arrival. I asked my ex to clean the bathroom for me while I cleaned the kitchen, and left him to it.

I went in about a half an hour later and the bathroom was somehow dirtier, but the ex was sitting on the couch chilling.

When I asked him why he hadn’t cleaned the bathroom, he looked at me all confused and said he had. I asked him to come in and pointed out all the soap scum everywhere and how it was clearly not clean.

He reiterated that he’d cleaned it. I asked him to show me how. His demonstration still haunts me to this day.

He proceeded to pick up a bar of soap, lather up his hands real good, and just…rub everything. He didn’t even rinse it after. Just rubbed everything with soapy hands.

And couldn’t understand why I was staring at him open-mouthed.


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