Unforgettable Acts of Stupidity From Real People

If the Shirt Fits


I guess we were still in high school, but we were 18. My buddy Ferris and I were just getting into going to the gym.

We went with Ferris’s friend Tom. After working out, in the changing room during some small talk I saw Tom putting on a shirt. Tom put the shirt over his head, but didn’t put his arms through the sleeves.


He managed to pull the shirt over his torso so that it was adequately on before wiggling all about and bending his arms in odd ways to get them into the sleeves.

I didn’t take much notice of it the first few times, but after a few months it was apparent he did this every single time.

Tom literally didn’t know how to put on a shirt. At least efficiently.

Eventually, we asked Tom why he put his shirt on like that, and he said something along the lines of, “Wait what, don’t I do it the same way you guys do?” I guess he had never really thought about it before then.


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